
Call Us Today!

        If you are facing foreclosure, we can help, even if you have an auction date!

NancyBuysHouses is a foreclosure sales specialist. 

        No one ever, ever plans on going into  foreclosure.
It all starts when making payments becomes a financial impossibility.  It is usually because of an unforeseen event that creates a financial strain on the family – the reasons for this vary widely, and everyone’s situation is unique, but some of the reasons a family is unable to make an on-time pay include:

Notices pile up, but often your priority is covering the basic necessities like food and the electric bill.  You avoid the ringing phones and the growing pile of unanswered mail, and angry emails.  Soon you are faced with the prospect of losing your home. Call us even if you have an auction date quickly approaching. We have strategies that can help you navigate this situation.


While this may not be your exact situation, many sellers facing foreclosure share the same circumstances. Avoiding a problem does not make it go away.
How can you turn yourself around and help your family?
Maybe it’s time to consider selling your home and taking any equity you may have accumulated. 
… maybe it’s time to free yourself and make a fresh start


This fresh start will help you: 

óEscape from the burden of payments you can't make right now
óGet the chance to save your credit & rebuild it

óGet a fresh start in a new home

óSave your family from the nightmare of the inevitable foreclosure and eviction that follows

óYou can avoid foreclosure by selling now

óNo one (neighbors or friends) will ever have to know what is going on

óIrrespective of your circumstances, we will make sure you are treated with respect and dignity

óWe are professional, discrete, and we will keep your information confidential

óOur goal is to help you recover from this very difficult and confusing time. You will be reassured and satisfied when you work with us

We want to take the burden of worry and uncertainty from your shoulders and give you peace of mind and
A New Beginning.

Ready to get started? Fill out our contact form or to begin the process of selling your property. 

We look forward to helping you and your family.  

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